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Ludvig Levin`s Arts and crafts

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Me and the art I make.

Hello and welcome, my name is Ludvig Levin and this is my homepage.
My artwork is of great variation especially when it comes to material. I mainly work with Watercolor painting, ink illustrations, digital drawings and ceramic sculpturing and jewellery crafting.
Most of my artworks are about telling a story, it could be an illustrated children's book, a runic piece of jewellery, a stone carving or even a poem. They all tell a story with a lot of inspiration and roots to the traditional folk tales of Northern Europe.

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Home: Selected Work
Ducks Over the Lake

Låt ingen visa spelas för sista gången. 

Utan rista in uråldriga runor i betongen.

Via mobilen spelar in och remixar troll sången.

Kom och lys upp det gamla med nytt ljus ty ingen kultur ska bli förgången. 

-Ludvig Levin.

Home: Quote
Holding a Paintbrush

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